Shape Tins Sets

Oh my gosh, Shape Tins sound amazing! But which Shape Tins do I need exactly? The first thing you need to know is that there are five Shape Tins in total. That's right - we don't have a "unicorn tin" or a "train tin". You use the same set of tins to make all of our cakes. 

If you want to be able to make every single Shape Tins cake, then you need all five Shape Tins. These come together as one easy set called... drum roll... the Shape Tins Complete Set! I know, we're a creative bunch. This set contains everything you need to make every single Shape Tins cake. 3D cakes! Number cakes! Round cakes! Ring cakes! We think our complete set contains the only cake tins you'll ever need. Our complete set also comes with access to the Shape Tins birthday cake ebook (called the Shape Book) and our branded cotton storage bag. 

If you want to be able to make all of our amazing 3D birthday cakes (but not numbers, round cakes or ring cakes), then you'll need our Shape Tins Classic Set which also contains access to our Shape Book ebook and our branded cotton storage bag. 

If you want to make numbers, round cakes or ring cakes (but not 3D cakes like our digger or train or fairy house, for example), then you need our Numbers Set. This set contains our two most versatile Shape Tins, our Shape Tin 4 (rectangle) and Shape Tin 5 (round and ring), plus access to our Shape Book ebook and our branded cotton storage bag.

Still not sure what you need? Get in touch!